mandag 10. oktober 2011

Knitting for others.

Knitting for others means that you often have to make something you would never have done in a gezillion years.

Well, that is what I have been doing. Low and behold................. The "Start" sweater. (A norwgian soccerclub)

It is , at least in my eyes one of the ugliest sweaters imaginable. But mayby others think not.
My opinion is really peppered with my dislike for the pattern.  Many charts, not numbered , so you always have to stare at the photo to guess, long stretches where you have to twine the threads ( because it is a childs sweater) and I didn´t like the yarn that is for this pattern. It is  Smart from sandnes, and my son tried it on to help me fit it it the neckline, and he said it iched, and he loves wool!!

Well enough of my bashing about a pour pattern.

I havn´t made much in the last week because I work 5-6 days a week and take Zumba! class 3 nights a week. If you havn´t tried Zumba! before I absolutely recomend it!!!
It is all they say in the commercial!!!!

lørdag 13. august 2011

Still stash busting

As I mentioned in a previous post I´m stashbusting. Im going to have a stall in a local market on friday the 19th. And therefore I´ve been knitting things I wouldn´t othewise have knitted.
I have 2 boys, no girls do I havn´t knitted so much girlystuff:)
But now i have knittet after a free pattern:
Hine is a girl. By. Kelly Brooker.

I made those pink buttons . They are lampworked out of  italian glass.
Hine  is a wonderful pattern and really easy.

Since I liked the pattern so much I made two of them :P
And who knowes, mayby there will be more of them with  some small modifications.

onsdag 10. august 2011

Two years!!

Today I'm celebrating a special day for my self.

It has now been 2 years since I stopped smoking. I was quite the smoker, and didn't even wan't to know how many cigarettes I was smoking a day. But  I promise you , the number is high.

Now I think that it is strange that I smoked, and I think it's strange that I think it strange. (Are you dizzy now?) c",)

When I stopped smoking I knew I had to keep my hands busy. I've always been activ, never keeping still.
And then I started knitting, a much better and wholesome hobby. I will not bore you with all my knitting escapades , because they have been many.
The UFO's have not been many, lot of FO's and now I've startet crocheing a ripple blancet:P
As others yarn-obsessive-compulcive-stashers I've accumulated  a little bit. But nothing stash -worthy, except my Arwetta sock yarn.

So I have been un-stashing:
My son and his friend are posing here for me:)

The pattern is: Fish Hat (Dead or Alive) Ravelry link
Yarn: Trysil sportsgarn 100% wool
Needle: 4mm round.

Well isn't this a good way to turn ones live in a better direction. I am at least happy about it. I'm not going back to old ways.

tirsdag 26. juli 2011

Plain and simple and a little bit of Paulie

I am a member of an online forum namend Ravelry. It is a forum for knitters and crocheers(sp?).
In that forums you can buy and get free patterns and get in contact with other knittomaniacs:)
I knittet this short sleeved pullover last week and finally got it sewed together and washed.
The pattern is Plain and simple by Veera Välimäki
It is a simple pattern with a little bit of sewing at the end.

I knitted mine in Silja yarn from Gjestal. The color is ochre yellow,  a color I like a lot.

The buttons are my own. They are lampworked out of moretti glass. I have now washed the garment with the buttons and tumbled them and they survived it all :)

But a girl has got to have something to do. So now I have cast on Paulie by Isabell Kreamer.

It is a beautiful pattern and thanks to both Veera and Isabell for making these patterns and shearing them for free.

lørdag 23. juli 2011


A terrible thing happened in Norway yesterday. A person bomed downtown Oslo and killed 7 people. After that he went out to an island where 600 young people were in sommercamp and he shot and killed at least 84 kids.

What kind of person does a thing like this? Has he lost his humanity? It is un-human thing to do. How can a person kill another and calmly go on to next person and kill more?

My heart bleeds for all involved. This is so unbeliveable, has this really happened?
We all watch the tv  for the newest updates, hoping that they have catched all involved, hoping to get some answers. But no answers will justify killing of som many.

Light a candle for all who have lost a loved one and all who were involved, and let your loveones feel your love.

onsdag 25. mai 2011

Flower Power

Often it has been said about me and my partner that we were born in the wrong decade. That we are true flower children.

I've always loved the clothing, jewellry, and many of the thoughts about being selfsufficient.
I think that many of the ideas they had is being used today.

Such as recycling. This flower is made of a coppes sheet that was under a woodburner. I cut it to shape and polished it to a shiny finish.

Old looking metals as cooper and bronze have always appealed to me. And the combination of turquoise, coral, copper and beautiful lampworkbeads is really singing to me.

Choose any kind of music from the flower power age , lean back and relax.

"And the wind crys Mary"

lørdag 7. mai 2011

New earrings.

These leaves I made long time ago. It was about time I used them for something.
The glass is Double Helix silverglass sample I got last time I was in Denmark.

I bought the glass from Anla glas in Silkeborg. I am not sure witch color this is, but its lovely.

This is also silverglass from DH.

This is Kuegler glass bought at Anla glas, made in Germany.

All the earrings are made with 0,8 mm halvhard hammered 925 sterling silver, and tumbled after forming.

tirsdag 5. april 2011

Old curtains and bedlinens

This is a dress I made for my friends daughter. She gave me some bedlinens she hoped I could use to make her daughter something. This is my first try at a dress like this and I didn't have a patter for it. I based my self on the lenght of the spencer here below. And I hope it will fit.
Dette er en kjole jeg lagde til min venns datter. Hun gav meg et pute og dynetrekk hun hadde og håpte jeg kunne lage noe til hennes datter med det. Dette er mitt første forsøk på en slik kjole og jeg hadde ikke noe mønster annet en lengden på spenceren her under.

I had an old magasine "Alt om håndarbeide" that had this pattern in it. I liked the picture of the spencer, but I must say the they chose some weird solutions that cost much more work for the seamstress. If I will make it again I will surely make a few modifications.
Jeg hadde en gammel utgave av "Alt om håndarbeide" med dette mønsteret i. Jeg likte bildet av selekjolen, men jeg må si at de har valgt temmelig rare løsninger som koster mye arbeid for den som syr. Hvis jeg skal lage den igjen så vil jeg gjøre noen endringer.

This is a glass sculpture I made. Its about 4" tall on the pedistole. It is made in Effetre glass coe 104.
It is a slave woman- in Icelandic-Ambáttin.
Dette er en glass skulpture som måler 10 cm på pedistolen. Den er lagd av Effetreglass coe 104.
Det er en slavekvinne
På Islandsk: Ambátt

My son came to me today (he is at hom with the flu) ad showed me what he had just "inventet"
"A handmade heart"
He was so pleased with him self and proud when I wanted to take a picture of it.
Min sønn kom til meg i dag(han er hjemme med influensa) og viste meg det han hadde akkurat "oppfunnet"
"et håndhjerte"

Han var så fornøyd med seg selv og stolt når jeg ville ta bilde av det.

Tomorrow we will go and pick up a dog that has been waiting for a new home for a few weeks. And we are going to be the ones that are allowed to give her that!
 We are so exited:)
I morra skal vi av gårde til å hente en hund som har ventet på et nytt hjem i noen uker nå. Og vi er de heldige som får lov til å gi henne et nytt hjem.
Vi er så spente:).

onsdag 23. mars 2011

Playing with silver.

Oxydised earrings in sterlig silver with an AB swarovski crystal .

I hammered them for a little distressed look.
I like them quite a bit.

lørdag 12. mars 2011


I've always been interrested in re-using things if possible.
A good friend og mine bought an old house and I helped her redoing the house before they moved in. In front of the old woodburner there was a hammeres coppersheet.
I asked them if I could have it when they were going to throw it out. They looked at me and asked if i was going to use it under my woodburner??
I said no, they asked again. "What are you going to use it for?" My answer was: "Jewellry".
They just looked at each other, and you could allmost read their mind "crazy woman". But they said "yes".
I've decided to make a heart pendant today. It has been a long time since I*ve made anything with beads and metal. But I had a lovely time for my self  and enjoyed making this. Of course it isn't difficault to make. But the difficault stuff isn't always the things one likes.
So this is my contribution to the craftworld today. Old "useless" stuff can be turned into beautiful things with a little care and elbow-greace.
Have a lovely saturdaynight :)

onsdag 9. februar 2011

Around the world.

No, I haven't been around the world. Even tho its been a while since I've posted something.
I was cleaning ( whohooooo, at last!!) and I began lookin at the stuff i surround my self with.
Since I was a little girl I've been facinated by clothing and other things from Asia.
We always wore , in the summertime, shoes called china shoes. They had plastic soles and black cotton fabric on top. The top looked like Vans shoes but the sole wasn't the same.
 Really cheap shoes that all parents could afford for their kids. And many got new ones for christmas, me too:)

 Some time ago I saw these beautiful dolls in another blog ( witch I can't remember whos it was): And I was smittend! I wanted those dolls.
And guess what?! I found them I Lillesand, my neighbourhood-town. And I bought 2. So I could allmoust say that I'm a collector, hehe.
And this beautiful Matryoska-piggybank I got for Christmas from a friend of mine. Now I'll have to start to sve money so she won't starve to death:)

 I've been barbecuing some beads. This is from my first grilling session. The electrisity is SOOOOOOOOO expencive in this "best country in the world to live in" that even tho you save and save and are so careful about what you do, you still end up with a bill for many thousends. I can just say that my bill was more than 50% of my monthly sallory!

I've allso been experimenting with yarn coloring. This I colored with Kool aid. The yarn i superwash 100% wool and I'm going to use it for mittens I think.
This is a leftover yarn from the Nøstebarndress I knitted before christmas. O overdied it with a darker purple and a berryred color. It's going to be fun to se how it will turn out in a knitted garment.

Well now my brake from cleaning is over and I must continue ( oh joy!)Next room to attack is my, uhumm, beading, sewing ,jewelry making, yarn stashing heaven . (Well that was the plan with the room, but I think a mean little santas helper must have thrown a bomb in there!)
So call for help if this takes a while!

torsdag 6. januar 2011


Well what can I say? Two posts in two days. Well thats just me, either on or off.
Today I'¨ve been home with my youngest who has the stomach flu, yuk!
A few days ago I went to Stoff of stil, a fabric store. Oh man , one can really go broke in that store. This time I held my selv by the ears an only bought cutoffs. they are really cheap! I bought Fleece fabric for a dress and it only cost me 54 nok. 
An today I got around to cutting and sewing the dress:

I made an owl to applicate on the dress or else I would have feld like a big bear in the dress. I think I can say that I have a fondness for owls.. hehe or at least it seems like it.

  This painting I made in november I think. It's quite small 10x40 cm.

And of course some bling :)

Earrings for my selv. Light, bright and shiny:)

Have a nice evening:)

onsdag 5. januar 2011

A new year, new posibilities

Merry Christmas everybody and a happy new year. I've been so busy and lazy that my blog has suffered.
Plus I lent my camera to my eldest a few weeks ago, and guess what? Well in not so many words, I needed a new camera.
But all is not well in Candyland, because I can't edit my fotos. The darn machine says that either the foto is in use by another program or it is a written fil, WTF??????? A foto is a foto, right? (I know it isn't that  simple but the files are the same format I've used before and the camera is the same type as my old one)
Anywho.............................. I've managed to get a few of the fotos to behave:

This is a present I made for my brothers daughters.
He's got 3 beautiful princesses in their teens. So each of the got their own, no alike, makeup purse with earrings too.

I also made each of them my version of a  Wham bam thank you lamb cowl (ravelry link), but no fotos.

I knittet this for a woman that used to work in my sons kindergarten. She has now a little girl and nobody in her family knits.
The pattern is from the book "Strikk til nøstebarn" . Among norwegian knitters it goes by the name "nøstebarndressen"

This is my current knit. A cabeled jacket (ravelry link)  in offwhite Fritidsgarn from Sandnes.

These are the rest of my christmas candels. I have them on the livingroom table.
Outside its snowing and it is so nice to curl up in the sofa with a cup of coffie, knitting and lit candles.

Have a beautiful evening everybody.