In my humble opinion, NO.
On monday I'll start working in a kindergarten. The children I will work with are in the age 3-5. I am so looking forward to this. I really needed to try something else for a while.
This west is partly my pattern and partly this: Vormorgun by Védís Jónsdóttir. It's knittet in one ply platelopi and on 3,5 needles.
It is not fittet in any way at the waist. I'm not a "thight" person in any way and I like my clothes to be a little ( or quite more than little would some say) loose. This west will, I think be a perfect garment to use at work whwn it gets colder.
Another aqua/teal thing from me. This is a button made by me. It is made out of italian glass, from Moretti. My beads have gone through a wool washing cykle and survived, so I think this one vill do to.
Take a look at this blog. She is a skilled knitter. And she has a themecolor now and then.
Men himmel og vått hav da jente, du er jo kreativ... når vi ikke finner deg i grupper, blogger eller miljøer tror vi du sitter med nesa i en bok, eller polerer symaskina....
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