fredag 10. desember 2010
Tro, håp og kjærlighet.
søndag 7. november 2010
I made some beads
When the girls at work saw that one of them wanted a painting for her son.
torsdag 23. september 2010

Finally I had made something jewellery related. These earrings ar made with freshwater pearl ,that I got in a secret friend gift some time ago, and
swarovski golden shadow crystal. All metal is sterling.

Go and check her site: Trollsmed/Lisa NilsenShe is a silver-smith/ceramic artist/lampworker and makes the most beautiful things.
The earhoocks are sergical steel and other metal is copper.

I'm going to take it easy, knit a little bit (because that is the only craft I can do), and enjoy today.
At first I am on sick leave for one week and I hope this won't take forever.
Are 5-6 weeks a long time????
Enjoy the lovely fall day:)
søndag 19. september 2010
Finally an update from me.
It was about time to update here. I've been quite busy lately with a new job, school starting for my boys and real life.
This shawl is knittet early this sommer and I forgot all about it. I can't even remember the name of the yarn.
These socks are all knittet on my sommervacation . The yarn is all leftovers from my colorfull jacket. The sizes are ca 30-34 in eouropeean sizes.
A jacket (allmost) for my son in doble plötulopi. The pattern is a free pattern only available in Icelandic.
torsdag 12. august 2010
A trip to the thrift store.
And I had decided to go to the secondhand/salvationarmy/thrift store. I love that store. I always find something.
I was hoping to find an old knitting book or something craft-realated. The only thing I found were books about pressing flowers, and that my dear, is not my cup of tea.
However, taking a rapid look at the shelves with fabric: Bling, ding, ding..... Lookie here, what is this????
I'm so at peace.............................. And that was not all..... Oh, no. I found my self a new/old alarmclock!!!!!!!
onsdag 11. august 2010
Aqua,teal, beautiful colors.
In my humble opinion, NO.
On monday I'll start working in a kindergarten. The children I will work with are in the age 3-5. I am so looking forward to this. I really needed to try something else for a while.
This west is partly my pattern and partly this: Vormorgun by Védís Jónsdóttir. It's knittet in one ply platelopi and on 3,5 needles.
It is not fittet in any way at the waist. I'm not a "thight" person in any way and I like my clothes to be a little ( or quite more than little would some say) loose. This west will, I think be a perfect garment to use at work whwn it gets colder.
Another aqua/teal thing from me. This is a button made by me. It is made out of italian glass, from Moretti. My beads have gone through a wool washing cykle and survived, so I think this one vill do to.
Take a look at this blog. She is a skilled knitter. And she has a themecolor now and then.
mandag 12. juli 2010
Endelig!! / Finally
i boken er den mange forklaringer,
There are many explanations,
I dag stoppet jeg også på Stoff og stil. Vi her på det gode sørland er så heldige å ha fått en S&S butikk her. Dette stoffet og stoffet under er påprintet jersey som skal bli til kjole og /eller skjørt til meg selv.:)
And today I bought these fabrics for my self. They are ment to be a skirt and / or a dress for MEEE!
In between other things I make lampworkbeads. This owl i one of many, but the onlyone I took pictures of before taking putting my jewellery on display in the neighbour-town.
mandag 28. juni 2010
Gulli/ Goldie
Yes, when your hooked, your hooked.
I am a mom to a boy who has a really slender body and it has often been difficault to buy sweaters and pullover for him because he tends to look like a bat with spread vings.
So I decided to knit a pullover/sweater for kids with matchsticks-figure.
And the resault is this , Goldie/Gulli. It's inspired by Latte-baby sweater by Liselotte Weller. I'm not quite sure about sizing, but I'm pretty sure that this will fit a 3 year old.
Figuren er inspirert fra tegninger som jeg har fått fra min sønn:)<3
The figur is inspired by a drawing that I've gotten from my son:)
And here are 2 paintings I decided to show under an exibithion at a local festival here.
søndag 20. juni 2010
Noldus (kallenavn til min yngste sønn) er inspiriasjonen til bildet som jeg broderte på siden. Det er slike mennesker han tegner og jeg absolutt elsker når han tegner bilde av oss i familien. Og siden han er inspirasjonen så har vesten fått navnet "Noldus".
Dette er ikke det eneste jeg har strikket i det siste men jeg vil ikke misbruke deres tillit med oversvømmelse av sokker og sjal.
Jeg har hatt eksamen og venter nå i spenning etter at karakterene skal komme. Huff, det er vanskelig å vente:)
søndag 11. april 2010
Utfordringer/ Challenges

Vi/jeg har fått en utfordring. Å lage 100 forskjellige figurer.
tirsdag 6. april 2010
Wich language?? Hvilket språk??
Tilbake / back..................
Lisa Nilsen/Trollsmed startet opp gruppe på facebook som heter Lampwork/Norske perlegrillere og hun la frem en utfordring til oss andre.
Alle perlene er lagd på en base av periwinckle og forskjellige farger og stringers er brukt til dekorasjon. Ingen 2 er like.
Men det er vel billigre å gå ned på miljøstasjonen med bolteklipper og klippe opp noen sykkelfelger.