onsdag 10. august 2011

Two years!!

Today I'm celebrating a special day for my self.

It has now been 2 years since I stopped smoking. I was quite the smoker, and didn't even wan't to know how many cigarettes I was smoking a day. But  I promise you , the number is high.

Now I think that it is strange that I smoked, and I think it's strange that I think it strange. (Are you dizzy now?) c",)

When I stopped smoking I knew I had to keep my hands busy. I've always been activ, never keeping still.
And then I started knitting, a much better and wholesome hobby. I will not bore you with all my knitting escapades , because they have been many.
The UFO's have not been many, lot of FO's and now I've startet crocheing a ripple blancet:P
As others yarn-obsessive-compulcive-stashers I've accumulated  a little bit. But nothing stash -worthy, except my Arwetta sock yarn.

So I have been un-stashing:
My son and his friend are posing here for me:)

The pattern is: Fish Hat (Dead or Alive) Ravelry link
Yarn: Trysil sportsgarn 100% wool
Needle: 4mm round.

Well isn't this a good way to turn ones live in a better direction. I am at least happy about it. I'm not going back to old ways.

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