And I had decided to go to the secondhand/salvationarmy/thrift store. I love that store. I always find something.
I was hoping to find an old knitting book or something craft-realated. The only thing I found were books about pressing flowers, and that my dear, is not my cup of tea.
However, taking a rapid look at the shelves with fabric: Bling, ding, ding..... Lookie here, what is this????
I'm so at peace.............................. And that was not all..... Oh, no. I found my self a new/old alarmclock!!!!!!!
Its fire-engine red and has glow int the dark numers and pointers. And best of all it has no batterys. I'll have to wind it up every knitht.
Oh, this is like being back at my grandparents farm.
Just imagine laying down at night and hearing the sounds of the clock, like a lulleby, singing me to sleep.................................