2oo5 kom denne boken ut og jeg skrev ned tittelen med en gang i min syvende sans og lofte meg selv at den skulle jeg kjøpe. Men årene har gått og jeg har aldri sett denne boken før i dag!!
In 2005 this book came out and I promised my self that I would buy it someday. But the years have gone by and I've never seen this book in the store until today!
For en bok!! Det finnes noe for enhver i denne boken. Forskjellige aldresgrupper og inne og uteleker. Jeg gleder meg til å ta den i bruk.
A thousand tings to do with your kids. And what a book!! There is something for everyone in it. Indoors and outdoor activitys(SP?)
I can't wait to begin to use it.
And I bought it today when I was at the mall with my kids.
i boken er den mange forklaringer,
There are many explanations,
and nice illustrations.
Jeg strikker i Sterk. Et alpakkagarn ispedd med litt nylon for forsterkning. (jeg kommer sikkert til å bli kjent de neste 20 årene som dama i "den stripete jakkaen...")
And as usual I have many other projekts. This is something I was knitting and it was on ther verge of becoming an UFO. But I picked my self up by the neck and continued. This is going to be a nice throw-on-jacket. And since I've gotten a one year contract in a kindergarten,it's quite appropiate that it's colerfull. I'm knitting in Sterk (Strong), an alpacka yarn with a littlebit of nylon in it. So after about 20 years I'm going to be known as "that lady in the stripet jacet". c",)
I dag stoppet jeg også på Stoff og stil. Vi her på det gode sørland er så heldige å ha fått en S&S butikk her. Dette stoffet og stoffet under er påprintet jersey som skal bli til kjole og /eller skjørt til meg selv.:)
And today I bought these fabrics for my self. They are ment to be a skirt and / or a dress for MEEE!
In between other things I make lampworkbeads. This owl i one of many, but the onlyone I took pictures of before taking putting my jewellery on display in the neighbour-town.
Dette er elendig. Beklager.
As you can see I need a new camera with a super macro function.
This sucks! I'm so sorry:(