onsdag 25. mai 2011

Flower Power

Often it has been said about me and my partner that we were born in the wrong decade. That we are true flower children.

I've always loved the clothing, jewellry, and many of the thoughts about being selfsufficient.
I think that many of the ideas they had is being used today.

Such as recycling. This flower is made of a coppes sheet that was under a woodburner. I cut it to shape and polished it to a shiny finish.

Old looking metals as cooper and bronze have always appealed to me. And the combination of turquoise, coral, copper and beautiful lampworkbeads is really singing to me.

Choose any kind of music from the flower power age , lean back and relax.

"And the wind crys Mary"

lørdag 7. mai 2011

New earrings.

These leaves I made long time ago. It was about time I used them for something.
The glass is Double Helix silverglass sample I got last time I was in Denmark.

I bought the glass from Anla glas in Silkeborg. I am not sure witch color this is, but its lovely.

This is also silverglass from DH.

This is Kuegler glass bought at Anla glas, made in Germany.

All the earrings are made with 0,8 mm halvhard hammered 925 sterling silver, and tumbled after forming.