No, I haven't been around the world. Even tho its been a while since I've posted something.
I was cleaning ( whohooooo, at last!!) and I began lookin at the stuff i surround my self with.
Since I was a little girl I've been facinated by clothing and other things from Asia.
We always wore , in the summertime, shoes called china shoes. They had plastic soles and black cotton fabric on top. The top looked like Vans shoes but the sole wasn't the same.
Really cheap shoes that all parents could afford for their kids. And many got new ones for christmas, me too:)
And guess what?! I found them I Lillesand, my neighbourhood-town. And I bought 2. So I could allmoust say that I'm a collector, hehe.
And this beautiful Matryoska-piggybank I got for Christmas from a friend of mine. Now I'll have to start to sve money so she won't starve to death:)
I've been barbecuing some beads. This is from my first grilling session. The electrisity is SOOOOOOOOO expencive in this "best country in the world to live in" that even tho you save and save and are so careful about what you do, you still end up with a bill for many thousends. I can just say that my bill was more than 50% of my monthly sallory!
I've allso been experimenting with yarn coloring. This I colored with Kool aid. The yarn i superwash 100% wool and I'm going to use it for mittens I think.
This is a leftover yarn from the Nøstebarndress I knitted before christmas. O overdied it with a darker purple and a berryred color. It's going to be fun to se how it will turn out in a knitted garment.
Well now my brake from cleaning is over and I must continue ( oh joy!)Next room to attack is my, uhumm, beading, sewing ,jewelry making, yarn stashing heaven . (Well that was the plan with the room, but I think a mean little santas helper must have thrown a bomb in there!)
So call for help if this takes a while!