Yes, when your hooked, your hooked.
I am a mom to a boy who has a really slender body and it has often been difficault to buy sweaters and pullover for him because he tends to look like a bat with spread vings.
So I decided to knit a pullover/sweater for kids with matchsticks-figure.
And the resault is this , Goldie/Gulli. It's inspired by Latte-baby sweater by Liselotte Weller. I'm not quite sure about sizing, but I'm pretty sure that this will fit a 3 year old.
Figuren er inspirert fra tegninger som jeg har fått fra min sønn:)<3
The figur is inspired by a drawing that I've gotten from my son:)
And here are 2 paintings I decided to show under an exibithion at a local festival here.